Det här är en del av en artikel jag publicerade i en intern publikation och följer samma tankar som talet:
"How well are we wired to cope in this fast paced society? Considering the fact that our software has not changed for thousands of years? Our brain is still constantly scanning the environment for possible predators and reacts to all perceived threats in the same way that it did when the predator was actually a real threat.
Everything that is unfamiliar and all situations that give us a feeling of uncertainty or lack of control are predators in disguise. The same goes for advice, feedback and stressing about “have I been sleeping enough?”, “Is my diet healthy enough?” or “do I exercise enough?” And the list goes on.
We have in other words created a world where we are constantly surrounded by these predators and the one who can tame the predators survives. And the one who can communicate in a way that tames the clients’ predators wins. That calls for self-management skills, empathy and emotional intelligence. Are we armed with those skills?
In 1982, future researcher John Naisbitt uttered the following words:
The more high technology around us, the more need for human touch.
What does this mean for us? Is this relevant? And most importantly – how do we make sure we are relevant?
Which are the skills we need to develop in order to stay relevant? In addition to the technical skills we need to develop the following areas:
- Listening skills, in order to really get out of our own head in a conversation and really hear each other
- The skill of asking powerful questions, in order to develop our own and other people’s thinking process
- Curiosity, in order to open up and see all the signals in our environment – not only those we have pre-programmed our brain to spot
- Presence, in order to connect with others and our intuition and strengthen our resilience, which is a muscle that should be trained before really needed
Ja, can you imagine? Hur ser det ut på din arbetsplats? Utvecklar man målmedvetet EQ? Ifall inte, borde man? Kan du påverka saken? If I can do it, you can do it!
Tack :)